毕业于安徽师范大学美术系,浙江美术学院油画系结业。苏州大学艺术学院教授、硕士研究生导师;中国美术家协会会员、江苏省油画学会常务理事、苏州大学美术创作中心主任。 作品多次入选全国美展并获奖。先后在意大利波罗尼亚美术学院、法国巴黎国际艺术中心、北京大学艺术学院做访问学者。曾在新加坡、意大利、南非、日本、台湾、香港等国家和地区举办画展。多幅作品被海内外美术馆、艺术机构及个人收藏。被苏州市政府授予“德艺双馨”艺术家称号。
1984年 在淮北煤师院艺术系任教,油画作品《做新衣》入选第六届全国美展;
1986年 粉画作品《渔家女》入选全国水彩粉画展;
1987年 油画作品《母与子》入选华东六省一市青年油画作品展,并被浙江博物馆收藏;
1987年 油画作品《布托女》入选首届中国油画展;
1989年 《女人体》入选香港中国油画精品展;
1991年 在浙江美术学院进修,多幅作品赴台湾展出,并被收藏;
1993年 赴新加坡举办画展,展出作品被收藏;
1994年 油画作品《傣族姑娘》入选第二届中国油画作品展,作品被收藏;
1996年 油画作品《白娘子》获中国艺术博览会优秀奖; 1998年 调入苏州大学艺术学院,同年油画作品《穆桂英》获江苏省首届美术节铜奖;
1999年 油画作品《游园惊梦》获江苏省油画大展铜奖,粉画作品《白娘子》入选第九届全国美展;
2000年 粉画作品《梅兰芳》入选第五届全国水彩粉画展;
2001年 受中国油画学会委派到意大利进行学术交流和艺术考察,并赴法国、西班牙、比利时、奥地利、德国进行访问, 在意大利举办画展;
2002年 赴南非进行访问考察,多幅作品参加中国油画家作品展;
2004年 参加中国油画学会江南风景写生展;
2005年 版画作品《傣族姑娘》入选第十届全国美展;
2006年 受中国美协委派赴法国巴黎艺术城进行学术交流和艺术考察,并访问丹麦、瑞典、挪威;
2007年 《昆曲遗韵》系列参加在上海举办的三种记忆油画展,油画作品《昆曲遗韵》获得第六届江苏省油画展优秀奖;
2008年 随中国油画学会赴英国进行艺术考察;
2009年 出版《油画技法》、《钱流油画作品集》,多幅作品被中国、台湾、香港、新加坡、日本、美国、意大利、法国 等国家和地区个人和艺术机构收藏;
2010年 《昆曲遗韵》入选全国第七届水彩粉画展;
2010年 由中国文史出版社出版《中国美术大事记——2010钱流艺术创作状态》;
2014年 油画作品《昆曲遗韵》入选第十二届全国美展;
2015年 油画作品《昆曲遗韵》入选江南如画——中国油画作品展;
2015年 在上海雨虹画廊举办“时光的遗韵”——钱流油画作品展;
2016年 在北京798艺术区举办“印记·敦煌——钱流油画作品展”;
2016年 在苏州皇家御庭艺术小镇“笔下话人生”个人画展;
2017年 在安徽合肥时代美术馆举办“记艺”——钱流油画作品展;
2017年 在山东省美术馆举办“大美别裁:流韵”——钱流绘画作品展;
2017年 2012-2017年苏州市德艺双馨文艺工作者荣誉称号;
2018年 油画作品《贵妃醉酒》被国家大剧院收藏;
2018年 昆山昆岫堂艺术馆《艺境》钱流油画作品展;
2019年 赴法国进行艺术考察;
2020年 作品《昆曲遗韵》参加“华彩”——国家大剧院藏品展;
2021年 在无锡凤凰艺都美术馆举办“时光遗韵”——钱流油画作品展。
Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Anhui Normal University, and graduated from the Department of Oil Painting of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. Professor of the Art College of Soochow University, master tutor; member of the Chinese Artists Association, executive director of the Jiangsu Oil Painting Society, director of the Art Creation Center of Soochow University. His works have been selected and awarded many times in the National Art Exhibition. He successively worked as a visiting scholar at the Bologna Academy of Fine Arts in Italy, the Paris International Art Center in France, and the Art School of Peking University. He has held art exhibitions in Singapore, Italy, South Africa, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other countries and regions. Many works have been collected by art museums, art institutions and individuals at home and abroad. He was awarded the title of "Shuangxin of Virtue and Art" by the Suzhou Municipal Government.
Art Chronology
In 1984, he taught in the Art Department of Huaibei Coal Teachers College, and his oil painting "Making New Clothes" was selected for the 6th National Art Exhibition;
In 1986, the pastel painting "The Fisher Girl" was selected into the National Watercolor Pastel Exhibition;
In 1987, the oil painting "Mother and Son" was selected into the young oil painting exhibition of six provinces and one city in East China, and was collected by the Zhejiang Museum;
In 1987, the oil painting "Butuo Girl" was selected for the first China Oil Painting Exhibition;
In 1989 "Female Body" was selected into the Hong Kong Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition;
In 1991, he studied at the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, and many works were exhibited in Taiwan and collected;
In 1993, went to Singapore to hold a painting exhibition, and the exhibited works were collected;
In 1994, the oil painting "The Dai Girl" was selected for the 2nd China Oil Painting Exhibition, and the work was collected;
In 1996, the oil painting "White Lady" won the China Art Fair Excellence Award; in 1998, he was transferred to the Art College of Soochow University. In the same year, the oil painting "Mu Guiying" won the Bronze Award of the First Jiangsu Art Festival;
In 1999, the oil painting "A Dream in the Garden" won the Bronze Award of the Jiangsu Oil Painting Exhibition, and the pastel painting "The White Lady" was selected for the 9th National Art Exhibition;
In 2000, the pastel painting "Mei Lanfang" was selected for the 5th National Watercolor Pastel Exhibition;
In 2001, he was appointed by the Chinese Oil Painting Society to conduct academic exchanges and art inspections in Italy, and visited France, Spain, Belgium, Austria, and Germany, and held painting exhibitions in Italy;
In 2002, he went to South Africa for a visit and inspection, and many works participated in the exhibition of Chinese oil painters;
Participated in the Jiangnan Landscape Sketching Exhibition of China Oil Painting Society in 2004;
In 2005, the print "Dai Girl" was selected for the 10th National Art Exhibition;
In 2006, he was appointed by the Chinese Artists Association to conduct academic exchanges and art inspections in the Paris Art City, and visited Denmark, Sweden, and Norway;
In 2007, the series "Remains of Kunqu Opera" participated in three kinds of memory oil painting exhibitions held in Shanghai, and the oil painting "Remains of Kunqu Opera" won the Excellence Award of the 6th Jiangsu Province Oil Painting Exhibition;
In 2008, he went to the UK for art inspection with the Chinese Oil Painting Society;
In 2009, he published "Oil Painting Techniques" and "Qianliu Oil Painting Collection". Many works were collected by individuals and art institutions in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, the United States, Italy, France and other countries and regions;
In 2010, "The Remains of Kunqu Opera" was selected into the 7th National Watercolor Pastel Exhibition;
In 2010, "Memorabilia of Chinese Art——The State of Qian Liu's Artistic Creation in 2010" was published by China Literature and History Publishing House;
In 2014, the oil painting "The Remains of Kunqu Opera" was selected for the 12th National Art Exhibition;
In 2015, the oil painting "The Remains of Kunqu Opera" was selected as Jiangnan Picturesque-China Oil Painting Exhibition;
In 2015, the "Legacy of Time"-Qian Liu's Oil Painting Works Exhibition was held at Shanghai Yuhong Gallery;
In 2016, the "Imprint Dunhuang-Qian Liu Oil Painting Exhibition" was held in Beijing 798 Art District;
In 2016, the solo exhibition of "Talking about Life" in Suzhou Royal Regalia Art Town;
In 2017, held the "Remembering Art"-Qian Liu's Oil Painting Works Exhibition in Hefei Times Art Museum, Anhui;
In 2017, held the "Big Beauty: Flowing Rhyme"-Qian Liu's painting exhibition at the Shandong Provincial Art Museum;
2017 2012-2017 Honorary title of Suzhou Deyi Shuangxin Artistic Worker;
In 2018, the oil painting "The Drunken Concubine" was collected by the National Centre for the Performing Arts;
In 2018, Qian Liu's oil painting exhibition "Art of Art" in Kunshan Kunxiutang Art Museum;
In 2019, went to France for art inspection;
In 2020, the work "Remains of Kunqu Opera" will participate in "Hua Cai"-National Grand Theater Collection Exhibition;
In 2021, the "Relics of Time"-Qian Liu's Oil Painting Works Exhibition will be held at Wuxi Phoenix Art Museum.